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/FOTO/ Cum s-a văzut, în diferite colțuri ale lumii, curentul de meteori Perseide din această noaptea

13 august 2017, ora 15:44

Curentul de meteori Perseide apare ca de obicei, în luna august. Denumite după constelația din care par că vin, Perseidele reprezintă unul dintre numeroasele roiuri de meteori activi care se manifestă în fiecare an. Perseidele sunt cunoscute pentru că se manifestă într-o perioadă a concediilor şi a vacanțelor, în care oamenii petrec mai mult timp sub cerul liber, noaptea. Fenomenul de stea căzătoare este arhicunoscut. Dâra luminoasă de pe cer este lăsată de o particulă cu un diametru de sub un milimetru care aprinde aerul când intră în atmosfera Pământului. Pentru o fracțiune de secundă, acest fenomen, denumit de astronomi ”meteor”, este vizibil de la sol. Particula de praf cosmic care arde în atmosferă se numeşte „meteoroid”, iar rocile din spațiu care cad uneori pe Pământ se numesc ”meteoriţi”.

Toate aceste particule de praf provin din cometa Swift-Tuttle, care, atunci când trece pe lângă Soare, sublimează, iar praful cosmic prins în nucleul ei înghețat este eliberat în spațiu. Totuşi, Perseidele nu reprezintă o ploaie de stele – eveniment foarte rar, în timpul căruia se pot observa câteva mii de meteori pe oră.

Vedeți mai jos cum s-a văzut fenomenul în diferite colțuri ale lumii:

-do you perseid?- Caught the meteor shower as the Milky Way rose last night. Had about an hour to shoot before the moonrise. Sony a7ii Rokinon 14mm 2.8 ISO 5000 | F2.8 | 25 sec About 8 images stacked in Photoshop to show the perseids. Thank you for your comments and encouragement. Tap for inspiring photography!! _________________________________________________ • • • • • #earthfocus #discoverearth #nakedplanet #fantastic_earth #earthofficial #awesome_earthpix #theglobewanderer #perseids #destinationearth #welivetoexplore #global_hotshotz #roamtheplanet #optoutside #lonelyplanet #tourtheplanet #earth_deluxe #special_shots #wildlifeplanet #nightphotography #nightshooters #longexpoelite #amazing_longexpo #night_shooterz #rsa_night #nightscaper #ic_longexpo #natgeospace #global_hotshotz #westcoast_exposures #ig_shotz_le

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#perseids #meteorite #milkyway #fallingstars #shootingstar #nikonphotography #d600nikon

A post shared by Sorin Pletea (@sorinpletea) on

Perseid meteor with the Milky Way somewhat visible. #perseids #puremichigan

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PANO, swipe right to see full image. Well the Perseid Meteor Shower was disappointing this year, about what I expected considering the nearly full moon. Clouds ruined any chance of getting decent shots will it was dark before the moon rose, plus the damn wind made it nearly impossible to get good focus. Don't know why I bother going out to the west desert of Utah to do imaging anymore, every time it's the same crap with the clouds and wind. At least the thunderstorms were cool, that's about the only reason to go out there. Decided to use just one camera this year to save myself some sanity with the editing, was hoping to get about 10-20 good meteors with a few fireballs. Only ended up getting about a half dozen meteors and one fireball. All well, next year should be better with the new moon phase. Right after the moon rose I captured all my foreground and sky shots, each being 1 minute exposures at ISO 400 and f2.8 shot with my Nikon D800E and Sigma Art 35mm lens on a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer tracking mount. After I got those exposures I just set up the intervalometer to take continuous exposures pointing due north, exposures were 20 seconds at ISO 800 and f1.4. I stitched the sky and foreground exposures separately and then blended them in Photoshop. With the "final" image I layered the shots with meteors (after aligning to where the image matched the base layer) and then masked just the meteor. #perseid #perseids #perseidmeteorshower #nightscape #nightscaper #night_shooterz #nightsky #milkywaychasers #newmilkyway #astrography_ #astro #astrophotography #astroscape #milkyway #stars #stargazing #ig_astrophotography #igbest_shotz #utahgram #utahisrad #utahunique #wowutah #werutah #nikonphotography #nikon #sigma #nikonnofilter

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watching stars fall ✨

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Perseid Meteor Shower in Joshua Tree National Park last night! #perseidsmeteorshower

A post shared by Sean Parker (@seanparkerphotography) on

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