O eclipsă parţială de Soare, prima din 2021, a avut loc astăzi. Eclipsa a fost vizibilă în mai multe țări din emisfera nordică. Fenomenul astronomic a debutat pe cerul din Canada, a traversat coasta nord-vestică a Groenlandei, Polul Nord și a ajuns până în Siberia Orientala.
În zonele în care eclipsa a putut fi văzută, oamenii au ieșit să o urmărească, cu ochelari speciali, scrie Digi 24.
An annular solar eclipse rises over the skyline of Toronto on Thursday, June 10, 2021.
Covid Ont, Toronto, Canada – 10 Jun 2021,Image: 615088965, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Aceasta este prima eclipsă inelară din anul 2021 şi a 16-a din secolul XXI.
LEWES, DELAWARE – JUNE 10: In this handout image provided by NASA, a partial solar eclipse is seen as the sun rises behind the Delaware Breakwater Lighthouse on June 10, 2021 in Lewes, Delaware. Northeast states in the U.S. will see a rare eclipsed sunrise, while in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this annular eclipse will be seen as a visible thin outer ring of the sun’s disk that is not completely covered by the smaller dark disk of the moon, a so-called “ring of fire”. (Photo by Aubrey Gemignani/NASA via Getty Images)
Acest fenomen astronomic are loc atunci când Soarele şi Luna sunt perfect aliniate cu Pământul. Dacă diametrul aparent al Lunii este mai mic decât cel al Soarelui, o parte a coroanei de foc rămâne vizibilă.
O eclipsă totală, care scufundă pentru scurt timp o parte a planetei în întuneric, apare atunci când diametrul Lunii corespunde exact cu cel al Soarelui, aşa cum este perceput fenomenul de pe Pământ.
O astfel de eclipsă totală de Soare va avea loc în 4 decembrie 2021.
SCITUATE, MA – JUNE 10: An eclipsed sun rises next to a flag on June 10, 2021 in Scituate, Massachusetts. Northeast states in the U.S. will see a rare eclipsed sunrise, while in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this annular eclipse will be seen as a visible thin outer ring of the sun’s disk that is not completely covered by the smaller dark disk of the moon, a so-called “ring of fire”. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
A partial eclipse of the sun over the Father Time Weather Vane at Lord’s Cricket Ground, London
Partial solar eclipse, London, UK – 10 Jun 2021,Image: 615071410, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – JUNE 10: In this handout image provided by NASA, a partial solar eclipse is seen as the sun rises behind the Capitol Building on June 10, 2021 in Arlington, Virginia. Northeast states in the U.S. will see a rare eclipsed sunrise, while in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this annular eclipse will be seen as a visible thin outer ring of the sun’s disk that is not completely covered by the smaller dark disk of the moon, a so-called “ring of fire”. (Photo by Bill Ingalls/NASA via Getty Images)
Rare rainbow around solar eclipse
Rare rainbow around solar eclipse, London, UK – 10 Jun 2021,Image: 615108327, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia